The Happiness Connection Blog

From Dread to Delight: Reframing Family Gatherings Jul 07, 2024

I may be a happiness maven, but that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with situations that threaten to upend my sense of inner peace.

I come from a very small family. I don’t have a single first cousin and have never met any more distant ones. My dad was frequently transferred from...

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Tackling Temptation: Nothing as tempting as temptation itself Dec 19, 2023

I’m not sure how I attract, and am attracted to, men who have great metabolisms and can eat pretty much anything they want without gaining weight. I’m not so lucky.

When I lived on my own it was easier to deal with temptation. I could avoid unwanted calories by not having tantalizing...

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Temper Your Expectations: Ways to experience a better Christmas Dec 17, 2023

For the past few months, I’ve been carrying around a very specific idea about what my Christmas would be like this year.

I was in England with my kids last Christmas, so I assume this one will be more traditional. Let’s just say, when an alternative way of spending the day was...

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Are You Happy? What does happiness and success mean to you? Dec 12, 2023

This column was published on the day my mom died, two years ago. I thought it was worthy of being revisited. 

Do you ever stop to wonder whether you’re making a success of your life? It’s a question that often drifts into my mind as I move through December.

I left my marriage of...

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Looking After Yourself: A new take on self-care Dec 11, 2023

I recently ordered a beverage at my favourite coffee shop. When the barista asked me how my week was going, I paused and said it was a strange one. I’m not a proponent of saying “fabulous” unless that’s the truth.

She laughed and said her’s was “off.”...

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